Speech writing
Essay Topics For The Brothers Karamazov
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Ethical Nursing Essay Example Essay Example
Moral Nursing Essay Example Paper Moral Nursing Essay Introduction The point of this paper is to talk about a moral issue experienced while on arrangement. The conversation will concentrate because of the key morals hypotheses of deontology and utilitarianism, morals standards of independence, value, non-perniciousness and equity on dynamic practically speaking. It will consider the patients’ and staffs’ qualities and convictions, enactment and expert practice. Secrecy will be regarded by utilizing a pen name, as per the Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] (2008) rules on privacy. Song, a multi year old woman, was experiencing the menopause and was admitted to the gynecology ward in medical clinic in the north west of England with indications of outrageous lower stomach torment and issues with pee. Following examinations she was determined to have an uterine prolapse which was causing automatic pee misfortune and maintenance, and clogging. An away from of the condition was given by the expert who prescribed that she experience a hyster ectomy to which she concurred in light of the fact that she was in serious torment. While perusing the educated assent papers before theater, Carol made an unequivocal solicitation that she ought not be transfused with blood or blood items even on account of broad blood misfortune following medical procedure. Her purposes behind this were she had a place with a gathering of Jehovah’s witnesses, and it was just against her convictions. Morals can be characterized as the philosophical investigation of the virtue of human lead and of the standards and rules that ought to oversee it. Moral Nursing Essay Body Paragraphs It is the code of conduct considered right particularly that of a specific gathering, individual or calling (Orme-Smith Spicer, 2001). The morals hypotheses of utilitarianism and deontology are generally unmistakable in medicinal services. Utilitarianism, which can be characterized as ‘doing the ethically right occasion in the demonstration of good’ (Winifred Tadd, 1988,) centers around the outcomes of activities, picking those that do least damage. Connecting this in with Carol’s case, if her hysterectomy was to turn out badly and result in huge plasma volume misfortune, a choice would need to be made to her greatest advantage. If she somehow happened to be transfused her life could be spared yet her future joy as a rehearsing Jehovah’s Witness would be unfavorably influenced. Be that as it may, legitimately and morally, Carol is thought to have the option to settle on choices with respect to her own body which ought to be regarded. The NMC (2008) states i f this somehow managed to bring about a decay of wellbeing, or even passing, as far as morals, it is essentially not allowed to conflict with a patient wishes, whatever the expense. As human services experts, we have an obligation of care which we should seek after consistently. Deontology, another morals hypothesis, centers around the rightness or misleading quality of aims or thought processes behind activity, for example, regard for rights, obligations, or standards, rather than the rightness or unsoundness of the outcomes of those activities (Orme-Smith Spicer, 2001). The deontological moral hypothesis was proposed by Immanual Kant, where he puts incredible accentuation on to the obligation of care. He likewise suggested that the guideline of regarding self-sufficiency was of most significance. Song has unmistakably denied any blood results of any sort, so the obligation of care given is do everything in capacity to comprehend the circumstance †with the exception of transfu sion. Being an obligation based hypothesis, deontology would require human services experts to adhere to any guidelines, guidelines, conventions or techniques set somewhere around the National Health Service and trust whether or not this was what the patient needed. It tends to be seen that neither one of the theories regards or works for the patients’ best result so a blend of the two will ordinarily be utilized to help dynamic (Butts, 2005). To make an interpretation of the speculations into training, Beauchamp and Childress (2001) recommend that a morals hypotheses system which incorporates self-sufficiency, value, non-evil and equity is useful. Self-sufficiency focuses on self-coordinating opportunity and good freedom. It is the appropriate for patients to settle on their own choices and for medicinal services experts to regard these consistently, regardless of whether they believe it to be the correct decision for her or not (Kenworthy, 2002). Hymn is a capable disapprov ed, multi year old woman, who has been engaged with the Jehovah’s Witness convictions and qualities for various years. She is fit for settling on such a choice in the wake of being made totally mindful of the circumstance, including the upsides and downsides of her choice. Non-evil is the commitment to do no mischief. Advantage, basically intends to do great, and is having the quality to be benevolent and kind. After taking a gander at these hypotheses in general, there is no uncertainty about a contention between these standards. Numerous ethical issues looked by medical caretakers come from clashes between commitments created by the guideline of regard for self-sufficiency, against commitments produced by the standards of non perniciousness and value. Rewarding a patient against their particular wishes applies to ditties case. Self-sufficiency can at times not be regarded, with specific limitations, for example, the inclination to act advantageously. In Carol’s case, this is transfuse if there was no other arrangement during her medical procedure/aftercare, and it would be to benefit Carol, and acting in a route as to not hurt her further (non wrathfulness). The nurse’s job is to help the patient in settling on educated and fitting choices, in understanding to their own qualities or ways of life (Chadwick Tadd, 1992). This implies ethically no blood transfusion should occur as it is the patient’s choice that matters and ought to be regarded. Every single clinical intercession, regardless of whether indicative, restorative or for investigate †can possibly disregard tolerant self-rule. (Quiet focused morals, 2006). It is consistently for the patients’ eventual benefits, and in Carol’s case she has put her religion before her potential perilous medical procedure. This is as yet her decision, and no specialist or attendant should impact her choice in this. There is continually going to be a likely conflict. Another significant patient-focused moral hypothesis is Paternalism. Paternalism is a refusal of self-sufficiency, and a replacement of an individual’s decisions or activity to their benefit (David Jeffrey, 2006). None clinical viewpoints to a people life has more effect and hugeness to the patient then the disease/system close by. Carol’s religion pays a major part in her life and everything encompassing it, I. e. way of life, family, and Doctors have restricted capabilities to empower them to summarize the damages and advantages which acting in helpfulness can cause. The results of Carol accepting blood results of any sort without wanting to, would prompt her turning out to be disregarded by her religion, something that clearly is top need and could demolish her life, decimate her ethics and all that she trusted in. The refusal of a lifesaving blood transfusion by a capable grown-up Jehovah’s Witness, bringing about the demise of a patient whose life could have been s pared is a case of a genuine moral predicament. In the event that Jehovah’s Witness patients are compelled to acknowledge a blood transfusion that is in opposition to their convictions, their independence as patients is unmistakably shamed. In the event that patients pass on because of denying this treatment, there is a feeling that â€Å"harm†has been done and that a clinical â€Å"benefit,†usually accessible to other people, was not accessible for these patients (David Jeffrey, 2006). Equity, another essential morals rule, where the underlining commitment is to regard the way that everybody has the privilege to medicinal services, regardless of what their convictions or qualities, sex, sexual direction or race. This is a moral structure that centers essentially around an individual’s rights dangers being unjustifiable to other people, as issues of self-sufficiency may money with standards of equity (Verena Tschudin, 1992). Alliteratively, equity can b e comprehended as far as reasonableness whereby a person’s guarantee to something depends on an ethically significant property, for example, need (Fletcher, 1995). Educated assent is a fundamental factor without which the treatment couldn't morally, legitimately or expertly happen. In current practice the accentuation has moved from wellbeing experts being obliged basically to reveal data to patients, to guaranteeing the nature of data uncovered truly empowers the patient to settle on a self-ruling choice (Fletcher, 1995). The NMC (2008) states that: â€Å"You must guarantee that you gain assent before you start any treatment or care†. There are two primary types of assent †verbal/activity and educated composed assent. These must be solicited before any sort from care or treatment can happen. In Carol’s case, she had rounded out an assent structure, which recorded all the constraints and wellbeing dangers having her activity could involve. It was on this st ructure the conceivable requirement for blood transfusion happened, and Carol communicated her conviction issues with accepting this treatment if vital. Specialists by and large feel that regard for the patient’s self-governance necessitates that this desire ought to be complied. They have sound legitimate explanations behind this as well, as to direct blood despite refusal by a patient might be unlawful and could prompt crook and additionally considerate procedures. In spite of the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses can't acknowledge blood, they are available to other clinical methods (Garnet, 2000). Proceeding onward ,in practicing authority, a human services proficient is limited by the psychological capacities act (2005), which says that acting in accordance with some basic honesty implies acting with trustworthiness, respectability, and due tirelessness. They should care for the individual who does not have the capacities to act in accordance with some basic honesty to wards them. Educated grown-ups who are equipped for understanding news on their hea
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mythic and Fairy
The sentiment of looming risk as the story advances is made for the peruser in Joyce Carol Oates’ short story, Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, through utilizing legendary components to depict what's going on in the plot. All through the story, she utilizes a few depictions related with the fallen angel to fill in as similitudes for the male character and what happens to Connie as likewise representative of the intensity of fiendishness to entice, overcome, and demolish the person. Connie is the image of honesty. A little youngster of fifteen, she is at the hour of pre-adulthood when young ladies start to investigate past their youth lives and have a sample of how it resembles to be an adult. She is likewise really, fixated on mirrors and whining with her looks. She is not normal for her plain more established sister. Like most beautiful young ladies her age who need fervor and not be â€Å"plain and steady†like the sister, Connie is giggly and excited for new things, unconscious that peril sneaks prepared to abuse the dreams of young ladies like her. She resembles guiltless Red Riding Hood who thinks the forested areas are pleasant, comfortable spots to go through unconscious of the wolf that lives inside. In the wake of depicting Connie and her family, the creator presents the strategy of fusing mythic component in the story by portraying the drive-in café as a â€Å"sacred developing that lingered out of the night to give them what asylum and favors they longed for†¦the music was†¦like music at a congregation service†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â The eatery is a healthy spot for youngsters to meet and appreciate each other’s organization. Notwithstanding, once Connie escapes the eatery towards the parking garage, she isn't protected any longer. The demon sneaks simply outside holy places, prepared to entice any individual who escapes the sanctuary and who is happy to accomplish something mischievous and fun. It is outside where Connie sees Arnold Friend just because in spite of the fact that they would not be acquainted with one another then as Connie is with Eddie, a healthy kid her age whom she meets in the â€Å"sacred†café. Directly after that first gathering, the story starts its unpleasant quality as the creator centers around Arnold Friend and utilizations legendary and social relationship with the villain to portray him.â One affiliation is the manner by which Arnold Friend comes into the image and what he looks like. His methodology is reported by the â€Å"glow of moderate beat happiness that appeared to rise strangely out of the music†which Connie was tuning in to at the time her folks and sister went to a grill party at her aunt’s one end of the week, disregarding her in the house. Awesome music, melodies that are quick and hard, is related with defiant adolescents. Arnold Friend appears to her with a stone tune out of sight and seeming as though a demigod himself, much the same as the men in Connie’s dream. He had â€Å"fair earthy colored hair†¦sideburns (that) gave him a wild, humiliated look†¦wore sunglasses†¦tight blurred pants stuffed into dark, scraped boots, a belt that pulled his midriff in and demonstrated how lean he was†¦the jaw and jawline and cheeks marginally obscured in light of the fact that he hadn’t shaved†¦and the nose long and hawklike.†His highlights are sharp, his clothing scruffy, and his bearing is masculine. He claims to her dream to look speaking to her, in this way making it simpler to accomplish his motivation. In any case, the skin around his eyes, which she sees when he removes his glasses, was â€Å"like gaps that were not in shadow however rather in light.†The eyes themselves were â€Å"like chips of broken glass that light in a pleasant way.†They were shrewd eyes, splendid and not at all like typical natural eyes. At the point when he talks, it is in â€Å"a basic lilting voice, precisely as though he were discussing the words to a song.†He continually grins, as well. His name is Arnold Friend, an undeniable play on words on â€Å"fiend†. He is clearly a miscreant with awful expectations yet one who camouflages them well. No other name is more reliable than one who has â€Å"Friend†for a family name. Arnold rides a brilliant jalopy. The sparkling vehicle represents how the enticements of malevolence consistently arrive in an amazing and alluring bundle. Connie herself is diverted and interested with the vehicle. He utilizes signs and mystery codes. At the point when the vehicle grinds to a halt by the front entryway, â€Å"the horn sounded four taps.†Beside Arnold Friend’s vehicle are more codes: the numbers 33, 19, and 17. He additionally tells Connie at one point during their discussion that he has a sign, the letter X. Strange notion, with its distraction with codes, signs and numbers, is associated with the clouded side. Another affiliation is the recommendation that Arnold Friend has a deep understanding of Connie and is even clairvoyant. At the point when he calls Connie by name, she is shocked since she never presented herself whenever he crashes into their doorstep. He knows the names of her relatives, every one of her companions from school, and reveals to her that he can perceive what's going on at Aunt Tillie’s grill party at the exact instant that he is conversing with her. Connie, obviously, understands the risk she is in despite the fact that it requires some investment to soak in light of the fact that from the start she wants to simply forgo Arnold off and he would basically disregard her. She knows the signs to the sort of fermenting inconvenience she is looking with Arnold when she perceives â€Å"that tired marvelous grin that all the young men used to get across thoughts they didn’t need to place into words†¦and the monotonous way he talked, marginally ridiculing, joking, yet serious†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She knows the round of enticement and she attempts to oppose as hard as could reasonably be expected. Later on in the discussion, be that as it may, when Connie keeps on opposing and particularly when she undermines him with calling the police, Arnold gradually removes the cover he has put on to entice her with pleasantness and gets intense. Malicious can't keep on its sweet face when it understands how it is very nearly rout. At the point when it can't get its way through flattery and cajoling, it would fall back on the utilization of power and savagery. Connie likewise perceives the move and she feels genuine frenzy and dread. Arnold makes it understood to her when he says, â€Å"the place where you originated from ain’t there any more, and where you had at the top of the priority list to go is dropped out.†obviously, Connie could have called her folks or the police and it could have startled Arnold off and leave her. All things considered, she is inside the house while he is bolted outside. He can't go in and it would have required some investment to break the entryway, long enough for Connie to decide. However, similar to the demon, he plays with her shortcoming, disarray and dread right now. Arnold controls himself, realizing that it would work better if Connie comes out of her own will. He keeps on tempting her with guarantees of a pleasurable encounter. He vows to bring her â€Å"to a pleasant field, out in the nation here†where Arnold will â€Å"have (his) arms tight around (her).†He attempts to persuade her that she is superior to any of her relatives and no one but he can get her and her needs best. Towards the finish of the story, Arnold continues urging until Connie feels she isn't herself any longer. The creator portrays it as a chant. She is baited and spellbound by his words. She has become a spectator watching herself â€Å"put out her hand against the screen†¦push the entryway gradually open†¦moving out into the daylight where Arnold Fiend waited.†She has surrendered herself to the demon. She has gone wrong. She will never be the equivalent again. Utilizing expressive components related with the legendary animal called the villain ends up being a compelling method in building up the story since it includes that additional component of frightfulness in the perusing. The peruser partner what's going on in the story with the additional symbolisms and it increases the tension and expectation of the clearly terrible closure of the female character. The consummation isn't just about Connie surrendering herself to Arnold. It is likewise about how underhandedness has enticed guiltlessness, prevails upon her, and leads her to a horrible end. Work Cited Oates, Joyce Carol. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?
Learn About Education and Schools in Virginia
Find out About Education and Schools in Virginia With regards to training and schools, all states are not made equivalent. States and nearby governments have practically the entirety of the force with regards to administering instruction and schools.â Because of this, you will discover key contrasts in training related approach over every one of the fifty states and the District of Columbia. You will keep on finding unmistakable contrasts even between neighboring regions because of nearby control. Exceptionally discussed instructive themes, for example, the Common Core State Standards, educator assessments, school decision, sanction schools, and instructor residency are dealt with diversely by pretty much every state.â These and other key instructive issues ordinarily fall along controlling ideological group lines. This guarantees an understudy in one state will probably be accepting an alternate variety of training than their companions in neighboring states. These distinctions make it essentially difficult to precisely analyze the nature of educationâ one state is giving contrasted with another. You should use a few regular information focuses to make associations and make inferences about the nature of training a specific state is giving. This profile centers around instruction and schools in Virginia.â Virginia Education and Schools Virginia Department of Education Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction: Dr. Steven R. Staples Locale/School Information Length of School Year: at least 180 school days or 540 (K) and 990 (1-12) school hours are required by Virginia state law. Number of Public School Districts: There are 130 government funded school areas in Virginia. Number of Public Schools: There are 2192 government funded schools in Virginia. **** Number of Students Served in Public Schools: There are 1,257,883 government funded school understudies in Virginia. **** Number of Teachers in Public Schools: There are 90,832 government funded teachers in Virginia.**** Number of Charter Schools: There are 4 contract schools in Virginia. Per Pupil Spending: Virginia burns through $10,413 per understudy in government funded training. **** Normal Class Size: The normal class size In Virginia is 13.8 understudies per 1 educator. **** % of Title I Schools: 26.8% of schools in Virginia are Title I Schools.**** % With Individualized Education Programs (IEP): 12.8% of understudies in Virginia are on IEPs. **** % in Limited-English Proficiency Programs: 7.2% of understudies in Virginia are in constrained English Proficient Programs.**** % of Student Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunches: 38.3% of understudies in Virginia schools are qualified for nothing/diminished lunches.**** Ethnic/Racial Student Breakdown**** White: 53.5% Dark: 23.7% Hispanic: 11.8% Asian: 6.0% Pacific Islander: 0.1% Native American/Alaskan Native: 0.3% School Assessment Data Graduation Rate: 81.2% of all understudies entering secondary school in Virginia graduate. ** Normal ACT/SAT score: Normal ACT Composite Score: 23.1*** Normal Combined SAT Score: 1533***** eighth grade NAEP evaluation scores:**** Math: 288 is the scaled score for eighth grade understudies in Virginia. The U.S. normal was 281. Perusing: 267 is the scaled score for eighth grade understudies in Virginia. The U.S. normal was 264. % of Students Who Attend College after High School: 63.8% of understudies in Virginia proceed to go to some degree of school. *** Tuition based schools Number of Private Schools: There are 638 tuition based schools in Virginia.* Number of Students Served in Private Schools: There are 113,620 tuition based school understudies in Virginia.* Self-teaching Number of Students Served Through Homeschooling: There were an expected 34,212 understudies that were self-taught in Virginia in 2015.# Educator Pay The normal educator pay for the province of Virginia was $49,869 in 2013.## Every individual locale in the province of Virginia arranges educator pay rates and builds up their own instructor compensation plan. Coming up next is a case of an instructor compensation plan for Virginia gave by the Richmond Public School *Data graciousness of Education Bug . **Data graciousness of ED.gov ***Data graciousness of PrepScholar. ****Data graciousness of the National Center for Education Statistics ******Data graciousness of The Commonwealth Foundation #Data graciousness of A2ZHomeschooling.com ##Average pay kindness of National Center of Education Statistics ###Disclaimer:Â The data gave on this page changes frequently.â It will be refreshed consistently as new data and information opens up.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Persuasive Essay On School Uniforms Example For Students
Powerful Essay On School Uniforms John Doe strolls into a high rise, sure and all around prepared wearing a tie, suit, and dress shoes. His certainty pushes him ahead, as he enters a lift going up to the 23rd floor. He moves toward his first prospective employee meeting since leaving Jesuit Prep: McAllen Law. This all around prepared man moved on from Jesuit prep, which had a clothing standard and hair limitations. This clothing standard and hair limitations developed youngsters into develop grown-ups over a multi year time span at Jesuit. The clothing standard and hair limitations assume an imperative job for our future as they construct class mix, increment our picture in the network, and dress the understudies for business, not play. Jesuit Prep needs to proceed with this essential clothing regulation and hair limitations for what's to come. Having a school brimming with understudies wearing a similar garments and haircuts helps fabricate a joining inside the class. Understudies that wear a wide range of styles of garments all meet up wearing comparable jeans, shirts, ties, and shoes. Through a clothing regulation and hair limitations, everybody is assisted with being made progressively agreeable by wearing comparative garments, in any case, individuals may feel estranged with less in vogue or cool garments. Hairdos help facilitate this incorporation too by giving every individual comparative styles causing everybody to feel more quiet. The general combination enables the understudies to understand that in spite of the fact that individuals may seem to be comparative, the possibility that everybody shows will be significantly unique. These various thoughts are available in everybody, and the clothing regulation and hair limitations help represent that since somebody appears to be identical, they don't think the equivalen t. At the point when the understudies land positions or discover professions in their future, it will be useful to realize that despite the fact that all their co-wor s appear to be comparative, they are in reality totally different. This way to deal with future employments and professions will give the understudies a preferred position in being receptive with individuals. The clothing standard and hair limitations will help Jesuit understudies by improving their picture they present to the outside network. A picture is a significant piece of any understudies life. How others see us will affect numerous future choices others make. By standing to a clothing regulation and hair limitations, our picture will go over to others as exceptionally spotless, sorted out, and mindful. Future colleagues and managers will consistently be all the more trusting with individuals who fit that picture. Inside everyones life, there is a period for entertainment only and a period for business. While a few people hold up until they are all around passed secondary school before they get ready for business, Jesuit is in the bleeding edge planning understudies now. This arrangement originates from the clothing standard and hair limitations which are authorized by Jesuit Prep. At the point when a formal attire are worn and hair is flawlessly brushed, an understudy wouldn't like to get messy, so they turn efficient in their way by learning and acting in a develop way. As should be obvious, the clothing standard and hair limitation of Jesuit are fundamental pieces of understudy advancement. Mix, picture, and dressing for progress are significant advantages of the clothing regulation and hair limitations. These advantages will be utilized into every understudy future to assist them with pushing ahead inside their own vocation and life.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Final Week and Summer Plan
Final Week and Summer Plan The final week is here and I have already taken one final of my hardest class, so I am kind of relieved even though I still have three finals coming. However, my attention is not finals anymore, because I have so many plans in the following months and am so excited to enjoy this summer in the U.S. Two friends of mine are graduating this May, so I am going to attend their commencement. It is kind of sad to watch friends moving away, but I am definitely very happy for them for getting admitted by their dream master programs. One of them is going to North Carolina to study Statistics and the other one is going to Michigan to study Human Genetics. I have already secretly brought them graduation gifts, and I sincerely hope we can still see each other as often as possible and keep in contact. I am also planning to visit my BFF in Boston because we haven’t seen each other for a very, very long time. There I will spend my 21st birthday with her, and I am sure I will have a GREAT time because the location doesn’t matterâ€"I will be happy that I am with her. Starting from June to August, I will stay on campus and take two summer courses. It is true that the tuition is high, but it is definitely worth it because I can get more things done during the summer and take more advanced courses in the fall. The school offers a lot of summer courses, and we can even take some required courses onlineâ€"yes, we can now take those important courses at home! I know quite a lot of people take online courses to fulfill General Education requirements, because those courses can let them learn something without feeling a lot of pressure when they are at home and enjoying summer break. During the summer, the course materials are compressed, but we actually get more time to focus on limited subjects. Also, I have many friends who are taking summer courses as well, so I won’t be lonely. It is true that there will be fewer buses, fewer restaurants, and fewer people during the summer, which may make people bored. However, we can better enjoy the empty libraries and gym and have a lot of fun by attending different activities. My friends have a ritual of organizing a barbeque on Independence Day, and this year I can finally participate! Yeah! I hope everyone has a hardworking but successful final week and a FANTASTIC summer! Connie Class of 2018 I am double majoring in Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering and Statistics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. My hometown is a historical and peaceful city called Suzhou, located in southeastern China.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Marriage as an Economic Enterprise in “The Taming of the Shrew†- 1375 Words
Marriage as an Economic Enterprise in â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†(Essay Sample) Content: Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Marriage as an Economic Enterprise in â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew†is a play by William Shakespeare which reflects the theme of marriage from two points of view. One outlines marriage as a platform for economic gains compared to the other facet of marriage being a romantic enterprise. It involves a tradesman known as Baptista who has two daughters, Katherine the elder and Bianca the younger. The merchant is happy when he gets to know that Bianca has already found a suitor but there is a limitation to her wedding. This is because she cannot get married before Katherine. Lucentio, a newcomer in Padua woos Bianca since he has already fallen in love with her. However, their father is zealous to see his daughter Katherine married because of her belligerent nature towards everyone around her. Across the development of the play, there is an antagonistic point of view on why people get married. There is a conflict in definition as to whether marriage is more of a gateway to an economic achievement and advantage rather t han a bonding resulting from love. Bianca’s marriage is comprised of love and affection they have for one another. On the contrary, that of Katherine and Petruchio is determined and approved after Petruchio confirms the property that Baptista will award his daughter. This essay, therefore, is going to elaborate how marriage is acknowledged as an opportunity for monetary gain and ignoring the romantic advantages attached to it. The father of the two girls portrays marriage as an economic enterprise due to the way he is concerned about the size of the dowry required. He is also interested in knowing what the wife will inherit from the husband in the incident of death. Baptista is eager to meet with beaus who are ready to offer the highest bride price in exchange for either of his daughters.This is aproof that he is selling his daughters off instead of supporting their marriage as an achievement in life. Hortensio, who is also in love with Bianca but gets unrequited love since she is not interested in him, gives up on her. This happens when he encounters a rich widow, and even decides to marry her, which at some point is a desperate move (Breuer and H 174). This shows how money is prioritized during marriage which makes it an economic establishment or a lucrative deal. . The marriage between Katherine and Petruchio shows how it is an economic enterprise. Kate has suitors who are ready to offer monetary gifts to her father for her hand in marriage but they fear to approach her. She has a bitter tongue, a rebellious attitude and a cruel way of addressing others which pushes away potential suitors such as Gremio and Hortensio. Her father feels the urge to sell her off to someone who is financially stable because of her annoying attitude. Meanwhile, Petruchio comes from Verona with the purpose of visiting his friend Hortensio. In the process he learns about Katherine and he feels that his wealth can give him happiness in Padua. He has the inherent feeling that he can get a wife who will be accompanied by a hefty dowry because his period to marry has matured but not due to any passionate attraction. Petruchio is not concerned about Katherine’s interest in marriage. He marries her because of her father’s wealth. This is reciprocated by how Ka te’s father is eager and willing to sell his daughters to the wealthiest aspirants. His agenda is to tame Katherine by ensuring that she follows all his instructions. He is aware that Baptista is demanding a lot of money as a dowry for Bianca. This makes him eager to know the amount of wealth that will be given to Katherine, the lady he intends to marry. This depicts how men approach and understand marriage from a business and unromantic point of view where women can be traded like goods. Baptista makes marriage arrangements with Petruchio and the dowry to be received without including Katherine as if the marriage was aimed at making profits by the two families (Duthie 340). In this context, Katherine suggests that marriage is an economic undertaking by teasing her sister to marry the wealthiest suitor. However, Bianca is not interested in any of the suitors. Katherine suggests to her that if she preferred a rich partner then she would be okay. She proposes that Gremio would make a good husband. Bianca is not comfortable with the idea because she wants someone who will love and appreciate her. The idea of determining a suitor by his riches is a sign that marriage is more of a business transaction than a union resulting from love and affection of two partners. (Kyung Ju Lo 798). The play addresses the social aspect of marriage but does not consider the contribution of those involved especially their feelings. It concentrates on how the courtship process is negotiated by the father of the future wife to be and the husband without involving her. This clearly shows that marriage is just a platform where a woman is exchanged with money. However, the union between Lucentio and Bianca depicts marriage as a result of two people who tie the knot because of the love they have for one another. Their love and affection exempts their marriage from that guided by monetary gains. For example; Lucentio unlike Hortensio, learns about Bianca deeply and loves her genuinely. He is not driven by the wealthy status of her father or the urge of exchanging money with a woman like a commodity. His good character and intentions help him win the heart of Bianca but he is granted permission to marry her after fully convincing her father that he is exceptionally rich. This gives Bianca a reason to run away with Lucentio and get married secretly. She does not consider her father’s opinion about who she should or should not marry. She feels that marriage is not only an act but a lifetime transformation. Nevertheless, Baptista’s decision on who should marry his daughter Bianca depends on the beau’s economic stability. He depends on the monetary assurance from Lucentio’s father that his financial value is worth Lucentio marrying Bianca. Baptista is interested in the affirmation that Lucentio will be able to take good care of her even after their marriage. It is therefore evident that if ...
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Woman Of A Nurse - 1740 Words
Marie* is a very â€Å"put-together†woman. She dresses as if she is attending church every day of the week, appears to be very grandmotherly and she looks impressively good for her age. The gender that she expresses is female. Her speaking level is intelligent, with an overall proper use of grammar, correct enunciation, and a variety of words of phrases. Her hearing is mostly all there, though she had a little trouble hearing some of my questions, and she responded in a fair amount of time when a question was asked. I would determine her functionality as plenty sufficient, although she does live with her son and his family, though I am unsure if that is because of convenience or because there are issues that I do not know of since none were discussed. She is widowed and is living in her home of several decades with her only son and his wife. The main themes of our conversation involved her childhood, family, and school. Marie was born at home at the hands of a midwife in June on a large farm, and was the sixth of seven children, including an older half brother. Her parents passed away when she was 11 years old; her mother to cancer, and her father was suspected to have a heart attack from missing her so intensely. Their house had four rooms, in addition to a pantry and cellar where they kept canned foods. Her family primarily produced apples and maple syrup to make their living, but also had cows, pigs, horses and a small garden, and she said that even though it was hard work,Show MoreRelatedThe Death Of A Baby875 Words  | 4 Pagesas a nurse came in. She was holding a sleek glass tablet and briskly walked up to the side of the mother. The nurse projected a hologram of numbers, graphs and tables with a triple tap on the glass. â€Å"The baby is in good condition: healthy heart rate, height at the seventy-fifth percentile, head circumference of 12 inches, Type O blood. 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